Toolkit Workshop @ UCD
The schedule below is purposefully not very rigid to allow it to develop over the course of the workshop. The first day will focus on getting to know the current modules in the Toolkit and planning what to do on the second and third days. The overview talks on the first day will be ~10 minutes long and have time in between for questions and discussion. The second and third days aim to have open discussion and hacking on various aspects of the Toolkit.
19th March
Start at 10am in the the Science Centre (Hub) H2.40. This is in building 64 on the campus map.
- Welcome to UCD by Adrian Ottewill
Introduction to the Toolkit by Niels Warburton
Download and install Toolkit modules by Barry Wardell
- Overview of SpinWeightedSpheroidalHarmonics by Barry Wardell
- Overview of KerrGeodesics by Niels Warburton and Maarten van de Meent
- Overview of Gremlin by Niels Warburton
- Overview of Teukolsky and QuasiNormalModes by Barry or Niels
- Overview of GeneralRelativityTensors by Leanne Durkan
- Overview of kerrgeodesics_gw and SageMath by Eric Gourgoulhon
- Overview of CircularOrbitData by Niels Warburton
Overview of PostNewtonianSelfForce by Barry Wardell
- Create wish list of modules (Regge-Wheeler, Lorenz gauge, generic orbit Teuk., etc)
- Create schedule of work for the next two days (code, documentation, website, etc)
20th March
Meet at 10am in B154A Science West
- Discuss: Coding conventions and licences
- Discuss: Data formats and storage
- Hacking: on list of software/documentation/data created the day before
21th March
Meet at 10am in B154A Science West
- Hacking: continue to hack on the Toolkit
- Discuss: Toolkit paper