Toolkit Contributors and Users

Building the Toolkit is a global, community effort and the fruits of that work are used even more widely. The below map shows the location of the developers, contributors and users of the Toolkit.

The location of the lead institutions are shown in red, contributors are shown in blue and users in yellow. If you fall into any of these categories and are missing from the map let us know so we can add you.

Papers that acknowledge, cite and/or extend the Toolkit

The graph below show the accumulated citations to the Toolkit over time. The blue curve shows the total citations and acknowledgements, the red curve tracks the total number of papers that have contributed software or data to the Toolkit.

Accumulated citations to the Toolkit

Below is a list of research papers that have used or extended the Toolkit. Papers that have contributed code or data to the Toolkit have a (*) after them.

199. “Approach to the separatrix with eccentric orbits”, Guillaume Lhost, Geoffrey Compère, arXiv:2412.04249

198. “Quantum Criticality in Black Hole Scattering”, Uri Kol, arXiv:2411.09814

197. “Renormalized charged scalar current on a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole in the presence of charge superradiance”, George Montagnon, Elizabeth Winstanley, arXiv:2501.10780

196. “Quantum-Corrected Hawking Radiation from Near-Extremal Kerr-Newman Black Holes”, Sabyasachi Maulik, Xin Meng, Leopoldo A. Pando Zayas, arXiv:2501.08252

195. “Resumming Post-Minkowskian and Post-Newtonian gravitational waveform expansions”, Andrea Cipriani, Giorgio Di Russo, Francesco Fucito, José Francisco Morales, Hasmik Poghosyan, Rubik Poghossian, arXiv:2501.19257

194. “Environmental effects in extreme mass ratio inspirals: perturbations to the environment in Kerr”, Conor Dyson, Thomas F.M. Spieksma, Richard Brito, Maarten van de Meent, Sam Dolan, arXiv:2501.09806

193. “Monodromy eigenvalues of the radial Teukolsky equation and their connection to the renormalized angular momentum”, Zachary Nasipak, arXiv:2412.06503

192. “Post-adiabatic waveform-generation framework for asymmetric precessing binaries”, Josh Mathews, Adam Pound, arXiv:2501.01413

191. “Ringdown of a postinnermost stable circular orbit of a rapidly spinning black hole: Mass ratio dependence of higher harmonic quasinormal mode excitation”, Daiki Watarai, arXiv:2408.16747

190. “Analytic solution for the motion of spinning particles in Kerr space-time”, Viktor Skoupý, Vojtěch Witzany, arXiv:2411.16855

189. “Gravitational self-force with hyperboloidal slicing and spectral methods”, Benjamin Leather, arXiv:2411.14976

188. “Post-Newtonian expansion of energy and angular momentum fluxes: inclined spherical orbits about a Kerr black hole”, Jezreel C. Castillo, Charles R. Evans, Chris Kavanagh, Jakob Neef, Adrian Ottewill, Barry Wardell, arXiv:2411.09700 (*)

187. “A note on the conversion of orbital angles for extreme mass ratio inspirals”, Philip Lynch, Ollie Burke, arXiv:2411.04955 (*)

186. “Gravitational memory: new results from post-Newtonian and self-force theory”, Kevin Cunningham, Chris Kavanagh, Adam Pound, David Trestini, Niels Warburton, Jakob Neef, arXiv:2410.23950 (*)

185. “Mode-sum prescription for renormalized expectation values for a charged quantum scalar field on a charged black hole”, Cormac Breen, George Montagnon, Peter Taylor, Elizabeth Winstanley, arXiv:2410.18211

184. “Impact of relativistic waveforms in LISA’s science objectives with extreme-mass-ratio inspirals”, Hassan Khalvati, Alessandro Santini, Francisco Duque, Lorenzo Speri, Jonathan Gair, Huan Yang, Richard Brito, arXiv:2410.17310

183. “A test for LISA foreground Gaussianity and stationarity. II. Extreme mass-ratio inspirals”, Manuel Piarulli, Riccardo Buscicchio, Federico Pozzoli, Ollie Burke, Matteo Bonetti, Alberto Sesana, arXiv:2410.08862

182. “Spinning particles near Kerr black holes: Orbits and gravitational-wave fluxes through the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism”, Gabriel Andres Piovano, Christiana Pantelidou, Jake Mac Uilliam, Vojtěch Witzany, arXiv:2410.05769

181. “Gravitational Wave Astronomy With TianQin”, En-Kun Li et al. arXiv:2409.19665

180. “Floating orbits and energy extraction from magnetized Kerr black holes”, João S. Santos, Vítor Cardoso, José Natário, arXiv:2409.17225

179. “Spin wave optics for gravitational waves lensed by a Kerr black hole”, Kei-ichiro Kubota, Shun Arai, Hayato Motohashi, Shinji Mukohyama, arXiv:2408.03289

178. “Post-Newtonian observables for aligned-spin binaries to sixth order in spin from gravitational self-force and Compton amplitudes”, Yilber Fabian Bautista, Mohammed Khalil, Matteo Sergola, Chris Kavanagh, Justin Vines, arXiv:2408.01871

177. “Gravitational wave surrogate model for spinning, intermediate mass ratio binaries based on perturbation theory and numerical relativity”, Katie Rink, Ritesh Bachhar, Tousif Islam, Nur E. M. Rifat, Kevin Gonzalez-Quesada, Scott E. Field, Gaurav Khanna, Scott A. Hughes, Vijay Varma, arXiv:2407.18319

176. “Gravitational waves from black hole emission”, Tousif Islam, Gaurav Khanna, Steven L. Liebling, arXiv:2407.16989

175. “Phenomenology and origin of late-time tails in eccentric binary black hole mergers”, Tousif Islam, Guglielmo Faggioli, Gaurav Khanna, Scott E. Field, Maarten van de Meent, Alessandra Buonanno, arXiv:2407.04682

174. “Teukolsky equation for near-extremal black holes beyond general relativity: near-horizon analysis”, Pablo A. Cano, Marina David, arXiv:2407.02017

173. “Probing new fundamental fields with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals”, Chao Zhang, Yungui Gong, arXiv:2407.07449

172. “High-speed reconstruction of long-duration gravitational waves from extreme mass ratio inspirals using sparse dictionary learning”, Charles Badger, José A. Font, Mairi Sakellariadou, Alejandro Torres-Forné, arXiv:2407.02908

171. “Amplitudes and Polarizations of Quadratic Quasi-Normal Modes for a Schwarzschild Black Hole”, Bruno Bucciotti, Leonardo Juliano, Adrien Kuntz, Enrico Trincherini, arXiv:2406.14611

170. “Post-Newtonian expansions of extreme mass ratio inspirals of spinning bodies into Schwarzschild black holes”, Viktor Skoupý, Vojtěch Witzany, arXiv:2406.14291

169. “Sourced metric perturbations of Kerr spacetime in Lorenz gauge”, Barry Wardell, Chris Kavanagh, Sam R. Dolan, arXiv:2406.12510

168. “Testing eccentric corrections to the radiation-reaction force in the test-mass limit of effective-one-body models”, Guglielmo Faggioli, Maarten van de Meent, Alessandra Buonanno, Aldo Gamboa, Mohammed Khalil, Gaurav Khanna, arXiv:2405.19006

167. “Fast inspirals and the treatment of orbital resonances”, Philip Lynch, Vojtěch Witzany, Maarten van de Meent, Niels Warburton, arXiv:2405.21072

166. “Detecting the massive vector field with extreme mass-ratio inspirals”, Tieguang Zi, Chao Zhang, arXiv:2406.11724

165. “Gravitational wave fluxes on generic orbits in near-extreme Kerr spacetime: higher spin and large eccentricity”, Changkai Chen, Jiliang Jing, arXiv:2311.15295

164. “Black hole scattering near the transition to plunge: Self-force and resummation of post-Minkowskian theory”, Oliver Long, Christopher Whittall, Leor Barack, arXiv:2406.08363

163. “Probing fundamental physics with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals: a full Bayesian inference for scalar charge”, Lorenzo Speri, Susanna Barsanti, Andrea Maselli, Thomas P. Sotiriou, Niels Warburton, Maarten van de Meent, Alvin J. K. Chua, Ollie Burke, Jonathan Gair, arXiv:2406.07607

162. “KerrGeoPy: A Python Package for Computing Timelike Geodesics in Kerr Spacetime”, Seyong Park, Zachary Nasipak, arXiv:2406.01413

161. “Backreaction from quantum fluxes at the Kerr inner horizon”, Tyler McMaken, arXiv:2405.13221

160. “Self-force framework for transition-to-plunge waveforms”, Lorenzo Küchler, Geoffrey Compère, Leanne Durkan, Adam Pound, arXiv:2405.00170

159. “Implementation of a GHZ-Teukolsky puncture scheme for gravitational self-force calculations”, Patrick Bourg, Benjamin Leather, Marc Casals, Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, arXiv:2403.12634

158. “Worldtube excision method for intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals: self-consistent evolution in a scalar-charge model”, Nikolas A. Wittek, Adam Pound, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Leor Barack, arXiv:2403.08864

157. “Hawking radiation inside a rotating black hole”, Tyler McMaken, Andrew J. S. Hamilton, arXiv:2401.03098

156. “Conserved currents for Kerr and orthogonality of quasinormal modes”, Stephen R. Green, Stefan Hollands, Laura Sberna, Vahid Toomani, Peter Zimmerman, arXiv:2210.15935

155. “Relativistic aerodynamics of spinning black holes”, Conor Dyson, Jaime Redondo-Yuste, Maarten van de Meent, Vitor Cardoso, arXiv:2402.07981

154. “A Survey of Four Precessing Waveform Models for Binary Black Hole Systems”, Jake Mac Uilliam, Sarp Akcay, Jonathan E. Thompson, arXiv:2402.06781

153. “The excitation of quadratic quasinormal modes for Kerr black holes”, Sizheng Ma, Huan Yang, arXiv:2401.15516

152. “Mapping between black-hole perturbation theory and numerical relativity II: gravitational-wave momentum”, Tousif Islam, arXiv:2401.14532

151. “Building a bridge between comparable and extreme mass ratio black hole binaries: a single spin precessing model for the final state”, Maria de Lluc Planas, Joan Llobera-Querol, Sascha Husa, arXiv:2401.13342

150. “Extreme mass-ratio inspirals as probes of scalar fields: inclined circular orbits around Kerr black holes”, Matteo Della Rocca, Susanna Barsanti, Leonardo Gualtieri, Andrea Maselli, arXiv:2401.09542

149. “DiscoTEX: Discontinuous collocation and implicit-turned-explicit (IMTEX) integration symplectic, symmetric numerical algorithms with higher order jumps for differential equations with numerical black hole perturbation theory applications”, Lidia J. Gomes Da Silva, arXiv:2401.08758

148. “Testing gravity with Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals”, Alejandro Cárdenas-Avendaño, Carlos F. Sopuerta, arXiv:2401.08085

147. “Detecting dark matter with extreme mass-ratio inspirals”, Chao Zhang, Guoyang Fu, Ning Dai, arXiv:2401.04467

146. “Black Hole Perturbation Theory Meets CFT2: Kerr Compton Amplitudes from Nekrasov-Shatashvili Functions”, Yilber Fabian Bautista, Giulio Bonelli, Cristoforo Iossa, Alessandro Tanzini, Zihan Zhou, arXiv:2312.05965

145. “Ringdown of a dynamical spacetime”, Jaime Redondo-Yuste, David Pereñiguez, Vitor Cardoso, arXiv:2312.04633

144. “Waveform Modelling for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna”, LISA Consortium Waveform Working Group et al., arXiv:2311.01300

143. “BHPWAVE: An adiabatic gravitational waveform model for compact objects undergoing quasi-circular inspirals into rotating massive black holes”, Zachary Nasipak, arXiv:2310.19706

142. “Accuracy Requirements: Assessing the Importance of First Post-Adiabatic Terms for Small-Mass-Ratio Binaries”, Ollie Burke, Gabriel Andres Piovano, Niels Warburton, Phillip Lynch, Lorenzo Speri, Chris Kavanagh, Barry Wardell, Adam Pound, Leanne Durkan, Jeremy Miller, arXiv:2310.08927

141. “Extreme mass-ratio inspiral and waveforms for a spinning body into a Kerr black hole via osculating geodesics and near-identity transformations”, Lisa V. Drummond, Philip Lynch, Alexandra G. Hanselman, Devin R. Becker, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:2310.08438

140. “Mapping between black-hole perturbation theory and numerical relativity: gravitational-wave energy flux”, Tousif Islam, arXiv:2310.05743

139. “Impacts of Gravitational-Wave Background from Supermassive Black Hole Binaries on the Detection of Compact Binaries by LISA”, Fan Huang, Yan-Chen Bi, Zhoujian Cao, Qing-Guo Huang, arXiv:2309.14045

138. “Adiabatic inspirals under electromagnetic radiation reaction on Kerr spacetime”, Ethan J German, Kevin Cunningham, Visakan Balakumar, Niels Warburton, Sam R Dolan, arXiv:2309.10028

137. “Gravitational radiation from a particle plunging into a Schwarzschild black hole: frequency-domain and semi-relativistic analyses”, Hector O. Silva, Giovanni Tambalo, Kostas Glampedakis, Kent Yagi, arXiv:2308.14823

136. “Analytic solutions for the motion of spinning particles near spherically symmetric black holes and exotic compact objects”, Vojtěch Witzany, Gabriel Andres Piovano, arXiv:2308.00021

135. “Detection of astrophysical gravitational wave sources by TianQin and LISA”, Alejandro Torres-Orjuela, Shun-Jia Huang, Zheng-Cheng Liang, Shuai Liu, Hai-Tian Wang, Chang-Qing Ye, Yi-Ming Hu, Jianwei Mei, arXiv:2307.16628

134. “Extreme mass-ratio inspirals into black holes surrounded by scalar clouds”, Richard Brito, Shreya Shah, arXiv:2307.16093

133. “Fast and Fourier: Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral Waveforms in the Frequency Domain”, Lorenzo Speri, Michael L. Katz, Alvin J. K. Chua, Scott A. Hughes, Niels Warburton, Jonathan E. Thompson, Christian E. A. Chapman-Bird, Jonathan R. Gair, arXiv:2307.12585 (*)

132. “High-order post-Newtonian expansion of the generalized redshift invariant for eccentric-orbit, equatorial extreme-mass-ratio inspirals with a spinning primary”, Christopher Munna, arXiv:2307.11158 (*)

131. “Quasinormal modes of rotating black holes in higher-derivative gravity”, Pablo A. Cano, Kwinten Fransen, Thomas Hertog, Simon Maenaut, arXiv:2307.07431

130. “Strongly-Lensed Extreme Mass-ratio Inspirals”, Martina Toscani, Ollie Burke, Chang Liu, Nour Bou Zamel, Nicola Tamanini, Federico Pozzoli, arXiv:2307.06722

129. “Towards exponentially-convergent simulations of extreme-mass-ratio inspirals: A time-domain solver for the scalar Teukolsky equation with singular source terms”, Manas Vishal, Scott E. Field, Katherine Rink, Sigal Gottlieb, Gaurav Khanna, arXiv:2307.01349

128. “Second-order perturbations of the Schwarzschild spacetime: practical, covariant and gauge-invariant formalisms”, Andrew Spiers, Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, arXiv:2306.17847 (*)

127. “Applying the effective-source approach to frequency-domain self-force calculations for eccentric orbits”, Benjamin Leather, Niels Warburton, arXiv:2306.17221

126. “Recipes for computing radiation from a Kerr black hole using Generalized Sasaki-Nakamura formalism: I. Homogeneous solutions”, Rico K. L. Lo, arXiv:2306.16469

125. “Metric perturbations of Kerr spacetime in Lorenz gauge: Circular equatorial orbits”, Sam R. Dolan, Leanne Durkan, Chris Kavanagh, Barry Wardell, arXiv:2306.16459

124. “Importance of including higher signal harmonics in the modeling of extreme mass-ratio inspirals”, Chao Zhang, Ning Dai, Dicong Liang, arXiv:2306.13871

123. “Hyperboloidal discontinuous time-symmetric numerical algorithm with higher order jumps for gravitational self-force computations in the time domain”, Lidia J. Gomes Da Silva, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, Jonathan E. Thompson, Juan A. Valiente Kroon, Leanne Durkan, Oliver Long, arXiv:2306.13153

122. “Tidal heating and torquing of the primary black hole in eccentric-orbit, non-spinning extreme-mass-ratio inspirals to 22PN order”, Christopher Munna, Charles R. Evans, Erik Forseth, arXiv:2306.12481 (*)

121. “Gravitational waves from extreme mass ratio inspirals around a hairy Kerr black hole”, Tieguang Zi, Peng-Cheng Li, arXiv:2306.02683

120. “Self-forced inspirals with spin-orbit precession”, Philip Lynch, Maarten van de Meent, Niels Warburton, arXiv:2305.10533

119. “Frequency-domain approach to self-force in hyperbolic scattering”, Christopher Whittall, Leor Barack, arXiv:2305.09724

118. “Extreme mass-ratio inspiral of a spinning body into a Kerr black hole I: Evolution along generic trajectories”, Lisa V. Drummond, Alexandra G. Hanselman, Devin R. Becker, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:2305.08919

117. “Gravitational Wave Peeps from EMRIs and their Implication for LISA Signal Confusion Noise”, Daniel J Oliver, Aaron D Johnson, Joel Berrier, Kostas Glampedakis, Daniel Kennefick, arXiv:2305.05793

116. “Detecting the secondary spin with extreme mass ratio inspirals in Scalar-Tensor theory”, Hong Guo, Chao Zhang, Yunqi Liu, Rui-Hong Yue, Yungui Gong, Bin Wang, arXiv:2305.00652

115. “Comparison of post-Minkowskian and self-force expansions: Scattering in a scalar charge toy model”, Leor Barack, Zvi Bern, Enrico Herrmann, Oliver Long, Julio Parra-Martinez, Radu Roiban, Michael S. Ruf, Chia-Hsien Shen, Mikhail P. Solon, Fei Teng, Mao Zeng, arXiv:2304.09200

114. “Enhancing the SEOBNRv5 effective-one-body waveform model with second-order gravitational self-force fluxes”, Maarten van de Meent, Alessandra Buonanno, Deyan P. Mihaylov, Serguei Ossokine, Lorenzo Pompili, Niels Warburton, Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, Leanne Durkan, Jeremy Miller, arXiv:2303.18026

113. “Asymptotic gravitational-wave fluxes from a spinning test body on generic orbits around a Kerr black hole”, Viktor Skoupý, Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos, Lisa V. Drummond, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:2303.16798

112. “Lensing of Vacuum Entanglement near Schwarzschild Black Holes”, João G. A. Caribé, Robert H. Jonsson, Marc Casals, Achim Kempf, Eduardo Martín-Martínez, arXiv:2303.01402

111. “Black holes surrounded by generic dark matter profiles: appearance and gravitational-wave emission”, Enzo Figueiredo, Andrea Maselli, Vitor Cardoso, arXiv:2303.08183

110. “Kerr-fully Diving into the Abyss: Analytic Solutions to Plunging Geodesics in Kerr”, Conor Dyson, Maarten van de Meent, arXiv:2302.03704 (*)

109. “Action-Angle formalism for extreme mass ratio inspirals in Kerr spacetime”, Morteza Kerachian, Lukáš Polcar, Viktor Skoupý, Christos Efthymiopoulos, Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos, arXiv:2301.08150

108. “Remnant black hole properties from numerical-relativity-informed perturbation theory and implications for waveform modelling”, Tousif Islam, Scott E. Field, Gaurav Khanna, arXiv:2301.07215

107. “Quasi-normal modes of non-separable perturbation equations: the scalar non-Kerr case”, Rajes Ghosh, Nicola Franchini, Sebastian H. Völkel, Enrico Barausse, arXiv:2303.00088

106. “Detecting vector charge with extreme mass ratio inspirals onto Kerr black holes”, Chao Zhang, Hong Guo, Yungui Gong, Bin Wang, arXiv:2301.05915

105. “Quasinormal Modes from Penrose Limits”, Kwinten Fransen, arXiv:2301.06999

104. “Rapid determination of LISA sensitivity to extreme mass ratio inspirals with machine learning”, Christian E. A. Chapman-Bird, Christopher P. L. Berry, Graham Woan, arXiv:2212.06166

103. “Gravitational wave from extreme mass-ratio inspirals as a probe of extra dimensions”, Mostafizur Rahman, Shailesh Kumar, Arpan Bhattacharyya, arXiv:2212.01404

102. “Expansions for semiclassical conformal blocks”, Bruno Carneiro da Cunha, João Paulo Cavalcante, arXiv:2211.03551

101. “Gravitational waves from eccentric extreme mass-ratio inspirals as probes of scalar fields”, Chao Zhang, Yungui Gong, Dicong Liang, Bin Wang, arXiv:2210.11121

100. “Gravitational waves from extreme-mass-ratio systems in astrophysical environments”, Vitor Cardoso, Kyriakos Destounis, Francisco Duque, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, Andrea Maselli, arXiv:2210.01133

99. “Regularized Stable Kerr Black Hole: Cosmic Censorships, Shadow and Quasi-Normal Modes”, Rajes Ghosh, Mostafizur Rahman, Akash K Mishra, arXiv:2209.12291

98. “Self-force regularization of a point particle for generic orbits in Kerr spacetime: electromagnetic and gravitational cases”, Anna Heffernan, arXiv:2209.05450

97. “Self-force correction to the deflection angle in black-hole scattering: a scalar charge toy model”, Leor Barack, Oliver Long, arXiv:2209.03740

96. “Eccentric binary black holes: Comparing numerical relativity and small mass-ratio perturbation theory”, Antoni Ramos-Buades, Maarten van de Meent, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Hannes R. Rüter, Mark A. Scheel, Michael Boyle, Lawrence E. Kidder, arXiv:2209.03390

95. “Comparing second-order gravitational self-force and effective one body waveforms from inspiralling, quasi-circular and nonspinning black hole binaries II: the large-mass-ratio case”, Angelica Albertini, Alessandro Nagar, Adam Pound, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell, Leanne Durkan, Jeremy Miller, arXiv:2208.02055

94. “Comparing second-order gravitational self-force, numerical relativity and effective one body waveforms from inspiralling, quasi-circular and nonspinning black hole binaries”, Angelica Albertini, Alessandro Nagar, Adam Pound, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell, Leanne Durkan, Jeremy Miller, arXiv:2208.01049

93. “Collective filters: a new approach to analyze the gravitational-wave ringdown of binary black-hole mergers”, Sizheng Ma, Keefe Mitman, Ling Sun, Nils Deppe, François Hébert, Lawrence E. Kidder, Jordan Moxon, William Throwe, Nils L. Vu, Yanbei Chen, arXiv:2207.10870

92. “Measuring accretion-disk effects with gravitational waves from extreme mass ratio inspirals”, Lorenzo Speri, Andrea Antonelli, Laura Sberna, Stanislav Babak, Enrico Barausse, Jonathan R. Gair, Michael L. Katz, arXiv:2207.10086

91. “Extreme Love in the SPA: constraining the tidal deformability of supermassive objects with extreme mass ratio inspirals and semi-analytical, frequency-domain waveforms”, Gabriel Andres Piovano, Andrea Maselli, Paolo Pani, arXiv:2207.07452

90. “Post-geodesic corrections to the binding energy during the transition to plunge in numerical relativity simulations”, Sergi Navarro Albalat, Aaron Zimmerman, Matthew Giesler, Mark A. Scheel, arXiv:2207.04066

89. “Slow evolution of the metric perturbation due to a quasicircular inspiral into a Schwarzschild black hole”, Leanne Durkan, Niels Warburton, arXiv:2206.08179

88. “QuasinormalModes.jl: A Julia package for computing discrete eigenvalues of second order ODEs”, Lucas Timotheo Sanches, arXiv:2206.04747

87. “Post-Newtonian expansion of the spin-precession invariant for eccentric-orbit non-spinning extreme-mass-ratio inspirals to 9PN and e^16”, Christopher Munna, Charles R. Evans, arXiv:2206.04085 (*)

86. “Modeling transient resonances in extreme-mass-ratio inspirals”, Priti Gupta, Lorenzo Speri, Béatrice Bonga, Alvin J.K. Chua, Takahiro Tanaka, arXiv:2205.04808

85. “The impact of relativistic corrections on the detectability of dark-matter spikes with gravitational waves”, Nicholas Speeney, Andrea Antonelli, Vishal Baibhav, Emanuele Berti, arXiv:2204.12508

84. “Detecting electric charge with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals”, Chao Zhang, Yungui Gong, arXiv:2204.01972

83. “Surrogate model for gravitational wave signals from non-spinning, comparable- to large-mass-ratio black hole binaries built on black hole perturbation theory waveforms calibrated to numerical relativity”, Tousif Islam, Scott E. Field, Scott A. Hughes, Gaurav Khanna, Vijay Varma, Matthew Giesler, Mark A. Scheel, Lawrence E. Kidder, Harald P. Pfeiffer, arXiv:2204.01972 (*)

82. “High-order post-Newtonian expansion of the redshift invariant for eccentric-orbit non-spinning extreme-mass-ratio inspirals”, Christopher Munna, Charles R. Evans, arXiv:2203.13832

81. “Extreme mass-ratio inspirals as probes of scalar fields: eccentric equatorial orbits around Kerr black holes”, Susanna Barsanti, Nicola Franchini, Leonardo Gualtieri, Andrea Maselli, Thomas P. Sotiriou, arXiv:2203.05003

80. “Redshift factor and the small mass-ratio limit in binary black hole simulations”, Sergi Navarro Albalat, Aaron Zimmerman, Matthew Giesler, Mark A. Scheel, arXiv:2203.04893

79. “Hyperboloidal method for frequency-domain self-force calculations”, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, Benjamin Leather, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell, Anıl Zenginoğlu, arXiv:2202.01794

78. “Precisely computing bound orbits of spinning bodies around black holes II: Generic orbits”, Lisa V. Drummond, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:2201.13335

77. “Precisely computing bound orbits of spinning bodies around black holes I: General framework and results for nearly equatorial orbits”, Lisa V. Drummond, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:2201.13334

76. “Detection of scalar fields by Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals with a Kerr black hole”, Hong Guo, Yunqi Liu, Chao Zhang, Yungui Gong, Wei-Liang Qian, Rui-Hong Yue, arXiv:2201.10748

75. “Adiabatic equatorial inspirals of a spinning body into a Kerr black hole”, Viktor Skoupý, Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos, arXiv:2201.07044

74. “On Detecting Equatorial Symmetry Breaking with LISA”, Kwinten Fransen, Daniel R. Mayerson, arXiv:2201.03569

73. “The prospect of distinguishing astrophysical objects with LISA”, Mostafizur Rahman, Arpan Bhattacharyya, arXiv:2112.13869

72. “Gravitational waveforms for compact binaries from second-order self-force theory”, Barry Wardell, Adam Pound, Niels Warburton, Jeremy Miller, Leanne Durkan, Alexandre Le Tiec, arXiv:2112.12265

71. “Adiabatic waveforms from extreme-mass-ratio inspirals: an analytical approach”, Soichiro Isoyama, Ryuichi Fujita, Alvin J. K. Chua, Hiroyuki Nakano, Adam Pound, Norichika Sago, arXiv:2111.05288

70. “Deformed Schwarzschild horizons in second-order perturbation theory: mass, geometry, and teleology”, Riccardo Bonetto, Adam Pound, Zeyd Sam, arXiv:2109.09514

69. “The Radial Action from Probe Amplitudes to All Orders”, Uri Kol, Donal O’connell, Ofri Telem, arXiv:2109.12092

68. “Detecting Subsolar-Mass Primordial Black Holes in Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals with LISA and Einstein Telescope”, Susanna Barsanti, Valerio De Luca, Andrea Maselli, Paolo Pani, arXiv:2109.02170

67. “Survey of gravitational wave memory in intermediate mass ratio binaries”, Tousif Islam, Scott E. Field, Gaurav Khanna, Niels Warburton, arXiv:2109.00754

66. “Highly eccentric EMRI waveforms via fast self-forced inspirals”, Jonathan McCart, Thomas Osburn, Justin Y. J. Burton, arXiv:2109.00056

65. “Tests for the existence of horizon through gravitational waves from a small binary in the vicinity of a massive object”, Yun Fang, Rong-Zhen Guo, Qing-Guo Huang, arXiv:2108.04511

64. Regularization of a scalar charged particle for generic orbits in Kerr spacetime, Anna Heffernan, arXiv:2107.14750 (*)

63. Gravitational-wave energy flux for compact binaries through second order in the mass ratio, Niels Warburton, Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, Jeremy Miller, Leanne Durkan, arXiv:2107.01298

62. Detecting new fundamental fields with LISA, Andrea Maselli, Nicola Franchini, Leonardo Gualtieri, Thomas P. Sotiriou, Susanna Barsanti, Paolo Pani, arXiv:2106.11325

61. Divergences in gravitational-wave emission and absorption from extreme mass ratio binaries, Enrico Barausse, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Scott A. Hughes, Gaurav Khanna, arXiv:2106.09721

60. Classification of radial Kerr geodesic motion, Geoffrey Compère, Yan Liu, Jiang Long, arXiv:2106.03141

59. Resonant self-force effects in extreme-mass-ratio binaries: A scalar model, Zachary Nasipak, Charles R. Evans, arXiv:2105.15188

58. Assessing the detectability of the secondary spin in extreme mass-ratio inspirals with fully-relativistic numerical waveforms, Gabriel Andres Piovano, Richard Brito, Andrea Maselli, Paolo Pani, arXiv:2105.07083

57. Time-domain metric reconstruction for hyperbolic scattering, Oliver Long, Leor Barack, arXiv:2105.05630

56. Black-Hole Perturbation Plus Post-Newtonian Theory: Hybrid Waveform for Neutron Star Binaries, Xuefeng Feng, Zhenwei Lyu, Huan Yang, arXiv:2104.11848

55. FastEMRIWaveforms: New tools for millihertz gravitational-wave data analysis, Michael L. Katz, Alvin J.K. Chua, Lorenzo Speri, Niels Warburton, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:2104.04582 (*)

54. Importance of tidal resonances in extreme-mass-ratio inspirals, Priti Gupta, Béatrice Bonga, Alvin J. K. Chua, Takahiro Tanaka, arXiv:2104.03422

53. Assessing the impact of transient orbital resonances, Lorenzo Speri, Jonathan R. Gair, arXiv:2103.06306

52. Stellar transits across a magnetized accretion torus as a mechanism for plasmoid ejection, Petra Suková, Michal Zajaček, Vojtěch Witzany, Vladimír Karas, arXiv:2102.08135

51. The Teukolsky-Starobinsky constants: facts and fictions, Rita Teixeira da Costa, Marc Casals, arXiv:2102.06734

50. “Spinning test body orbiting around a Kerr black hole: eccentric equatorial orbits and their asymptotic gravitational-wave fluxes”, Viktor Skoupý, Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos, arXiv:2102.04819

49. “Scope out multiband gravitational-wave observations of GW190521-like binary black holes with space gravitational wave antenna B-DECIGO”, Hiroyuki Nakano, Ryuichi Fujita, Soichiro Isoyama, Norichika Sago, arXiv:2101.06402

48. “Black hole perturbation theory and gravitational self-force”, Adam Pound, Barry Wardell, arXiv:2101.04592

47. “Gravitational wave templates from Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals”, Viktor Skoupý, Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos, arXiv:2101.04533

46. “Post-Newtonian templates for gravitational waves from compact binary inspirals”, Soichiro Isoyama, Riccardo Sturani, Hiroyuki Nakano, arXiv:2012.01350

45. “Characteristic formulation of the Regge-Wheeler and Zerilli Green functions”, Conor O’Toole, Adrian Ottewill, Barry Wardell, arXiv:2010.15818

44. “Extreme precision for extreme spin: probing near-extremal black holes using LISA”, Ollie Burke, Jonathan R. Gair, Joan Simón, Matthew C. Edwards, arXiv:2010.05932

43. “Extreme mass ratio inspirals on the equatorial plane in the adiabatic order”, Ryuichi Fujita, Masaru Shibata, arXiv:2008.13554

42. “Electromagnetic self-force on a charged particle on Kerr spacetime: equatorial circular orbits”, T. Torres, S. R. Dolan, arXiv:2008.12703 (*)

41. “Augmented analytic kludge waveform with quadrupole moment correction”, Miaoxin Liu, Jian-dong Zhang, arXiv:2008.11396

40. “Analytic post-Newtonian expansion of the energy and angular momentum radiated to infinity by eccentric-orbit non-spinning extreme-mass-ratio inspirals to 19PN”, Christopher Munna, arXiv:2008.10622 (*)

39. “Rapid generation of fully relativistic extreme-mass-ratio-inspiral waveform templates for LISA data analysis”, Alvin J. K. Chua, Michael L. Katz, Niels Warburton, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:2008.06071 (*)

38. “An alternative to the Teukolsky equation”, Yasuyuki Hatsuda, arXiv:2007.07906

37. “Intermediate mass-ratio black hole binaries: Applicability of small mass-ratio perturbation theory”, Maarten van de Meent, Harald P. Pfeiffer, arXiv:2006.12036

36. “Modeling and detecting resonant tides of exotic compact objects”, Kwinten Fransen, Gideon Koekoek, Rob Tielemans, Bert Vercnocke, arXiv:2005.12286,

35. “Ringing of rotating black holes in higher-derivative gravity”, Pablo A. Cano, Kwinten Fransen, Thomas Hertog, arXiv:2005.03671

34. “Determination of new coefficients in the angular momentum and energy fluxes at infinity to 9PN for eccentric Schwarzschild extreme-mass-ratio inspirals using mode-by-mode fitting”, Christopher Munna, Charles R. Evans, Seth Hopper, Erik Forseth, arXiv:2005.03044 (*)

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32. “Extreme mass ratio inspirals with spinning secondary: a detailed study of equatorial circular motion”, Gabriel Andres Piovano, Andrea Maselli, Paolo Pani1, arXiv:2004.02654 (*)

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30. “Redshift-space streaming velocity effects on the Lyman-α forest baryon acoustic oscillation scale”, Jahmour J. Givans, Christopher M. Hirata, arXiv:2002.12296

29. “Near-horizon geodesics of high-spin black holes”, Geoffrey Compère, Adrien Druart, arXiv:2001.03478 (*)

28. “Dissipation in extreme-mass ratio binaries with a spinning secondary”, Sarp Akcay, Sam R. Dolan, Chris Kavanagh, Jordan Moxon, Niels Warburton, Barry Wardell, arXiv:1912.09461 (*)

27. “The location of the last stable orbit in Kerr spacetime”, Leo C. Stein, Niels Warburton, arXiv:1912.07609 (*)

26. “A Surrogate Model for Gravitational Wave Signals from Comparable- to Large- Mass-Ratio Black Hole Binaries”, Nur E. M. Rifat, Scott E. Field, Gaurav Khanna, Vijay Varma, arXiv:1910.10473 (*)

25. “Spicing up the recipe for echoes from exotic compact objects: orbital differences and corrections in rotating backgrounds”, Luís Felipe Longo Micchi, Cecilia Chirenti, arXiv:1912.05419

24. “Gravitational wave signatures of ultralight vector bosons from black hole superradiance”, Nils Siemonsen, William E. East, Phys. Rev. D 101, 024019 (2020), arXiv:1910.09476

23. “Tidal heating as a discriminator for horizons in extreme mass ratio inspirals”, Sayak Datta, Richard Brito, Sukanta Bose, Paolo Pani, Scott A. Hughes, arXiv:1910.07841

22. “Gravitational Wave Perturbations on a Kerr Background and Applications for Echoes”, Randy S. Conklin, arXiv:1911.07122

21. “Regularized calculation of the retarded Green function in Schwarzschild spacetime”, Marc Casals, Brien C. Nolan, Adrian C. Ottewill, Barry Wardell, Phys. Rev. D 100, 104037 (2019), arXiv:1910.02567

20. “Transition from Inspiral to Plunge: A Complete Near-Extremal Waveform”, Ollie Burke, Jonathan R. Gair, Joan Simón, arXiv:1909.12846

19. “Eccentric-orbit EMRI radiation: Analytic forms of leading-logarithm and subleading-logarithm flux terms at high PN orders”, Christopher Munna, Charles R. Evans, arXiv:1909.05877 (*)

18. “Unveiling the Gravitational Universe at μ-Hz Frequencies”, Alberto Sesana et al. arXiv:1908.11391

17. “qnm: A Python package for calculating Kerr quasinormal modes, separation constants, and spherical-spheroidal mixing coefficients”, Leo C. Stein, J. Open Source Softw., 4(42), 1683 (2019) arXiv:1908.10377 (*)

16. “Factorization and resummation: A new paradigm to improve gravitational wave amplitudes. III: the spinning test-body terms”, Alessandro Nagar, Francesco Messina, Chris Kavanagh, Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos, Niels Warburton, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Enno Harms, Phys. Rev. D 100, 104056 (2019), arXiv:1907.12233 (*)

15. “Quasi-circular inspirals and plunges from non-spinning effective-one-body Hamiltonians with gravitational self-force information”, Andrea Antonelli, Maarten van de Meent, Alessandra Buonanno, Jan Steinhoff, Justin Vines, arXiv:1907.11597

14. “Analytic solutions for parallel transport along generic bound geodesics in Kerr spacetime”, M. van de Meent, arXiv:1906.05090 (*)

13. “Repeated faint quasinormal bursts in EMRI waveforms: evidence from frequency-domain scalar self-force calculations on generic Kerr orbits”, Zach Nasipak, Thomas Osburn, Charles R. Evans, Phys. Rev. D 100, 064008 (2019), arXiv:1905.13237 (*)

12. “Hamilton-Jacobi equation for spinning particles near black holes”, Vojtěch Witzany, Phys. Rev. D 100, 104030 (2019), arXiv:1903.03651

11. “Gravitational waves from bodies orbiting the Galactic Center black hole and their detectability by LISA”, Eric Gourgoulhon, Alexandre Le Tiec, Frederic H. Vincent, Niels Warburton, A&A, 627 (2019) A92, arXiv:1903.02049 (*)

10. “Exciting black hole modes via misaligned coalescences: I. Inspiral, transition, and plunge trajectories using a generalized Ori-Thorne procedure”, Anuj Apte, Scott A. Hughes, Phys. Rev. D 100, 084031 (2019), arXiv:1901.05901

9. “Spin and Quadrupole Couplings for High Spin Equatorial Intermediate Mass-ratio Coalescences”, Bin Chen, Geoffrey Compère, Yan Liu, Jiang Long, Xuao Zhang, arXiv:1901.05370

8. “Spectroscopy of Extremal (and Near-Extremal) Kerr Black Holes”, M. Casals, Luís F. Longo Micchi, Phys. Rev. D 99, 084047 (2019), arXiv:1901.04586

7. “High-order asymptotics for the Spin-Weighted Spheroidal Equation at large real frequency”, M. Casals, A. C. Ottewill, N. Warburton, Proc. R. Soc. A 475:20180701 (2019), arXiv:1810.00432 (*)

6. ““Flux-balance formulae” for extreme mass-ratio inspirals”, Soichiro Isoyama, Ryuichi Fujita, Hiroyuki Nakano, Norichika Sago, Takahiro Tanaka, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. (2019) 013E01, arXiv:1809.11118

5. “Gravitational self-force corrections to gyroscope precession along circular orbits in the Kerr spacetime”, D. Bini, T. Damour, A. Geralico, C. Kavanagh, M. van de Meent, Phys. Rev. D 98, 104062 (2018), arXiv:1809.02516 (*)

4. “Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap”, Leor Barack et al., Class. Quant. Grav. 36:14 arXiv:1806.05195

3. “Fast Self-Forced Inspirals”, M. van de Meent, N. Warburton, Class. Quant. Grav. 35:144003, arXiv:1802.05281 (*)

2. “Gravitational waves from plunges into Gargantua”, Geoffrey Compère, Kwinten Fransen, Thomas Hertog, Jiang Long, Class. Quant.Grav. 35 (2018) no.10, 104002, arXiv:1712.07130

1. “Quantum correlator outside a Schwarzschild black hole”, Cláudia Buss, Marc Casals, Phys. Lett. B 776, p168-173 (2017), arXiv:1709.05990

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